It is very interesting that the death rate in Sweden is by no means excessive compared
to any other Western country that has locked its citizens down. The only restrictions were on gatherings of 50 or more people, and advice such as over-70s being urged to stay at home. Swedish schools, shops, restaurants, and pubs all remained open. Nevertheless, The World Health Organization (WHO), has been insisting that Sweden lock its people down. The corruption behind the WHO and how it is being dominated by Bill Gates is a matter of record. Sweden is demonstrating to the world that the lockdown is absurd and it has NOT prevented anything. Sweden is treating its population with respect, unlike the rest of the Western powers. Läs mer
Om tanken är att få ner alla bolag på knä, få dem att gå i konkurs, så behövs inte det i Sverige för det är redan klart. Lejonparten bolag är supersmå och majoriteten enmansbolag; din tandläkare, veterinär, blomsterhandlare.
Om tanken är att man ska stressa folket än mer ska man givetvis inte stänga eftersom alla andra gör det vilket bör få Svensson att anse att Sverige gör fel.
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