Och har hon rätt är det inte Trump, Kina, FED, satanister etc som styr utan uteslutande energier, och dem påverkar vi. Alla som avskyr utlänningar t.ex. ser till att vi får fler. Bara Propagandabombaren ensam har fixat minst 1000 inresande afrikaner. Vi får mer av det vi fokuserar på.
Astrology works!! How close to reality is predicts!
Here is a video I did in December about 2020, turns out to be pretty prophetic. Tightening of government regulations, possible financial crisis, massive shift of wealth, empowerment of the hierarchical structures of governments and corporations, and a lot more. The possible epidemic in 2020 I talk about I another video from 2019. But from what I see from the stars the events of 2020 are tightly controlled and prepared, Capricorn is always prepared, it does not do spontaneous! One day in years when we look back at 2020 we will realize where the biggest impact was and what the actual plan was, but as I say in the 2019, this 2020 is about grabbing as much power and resources as possible before the big shift in 2021 when new ruling elites will come.
In this video I am more optimistic and naively hope that the Saturn Jupiter conjction in Aquarius in December 2020 will usher in a new era of more power to the people, HUMANITARIAN distribution of resources, positive social reforms and all such lofty AQUARIUS ideals but now I think we will first manifest the lower Aquarius vibrations.
The new ruling elites will not be the humanitarians but the technocrats: unelected officials from science and Tech who dictate what happens to us.
I sicencerely hope the Aqua conjunction will actually bring voice to the people and more independence, but at this point it looks like an utopia! Still hoping for it though, if not for all people, then at least for a small group of awakened and more informed people.
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