Snudd en krigsförklaring, och det finns väl ingen utanför väst som inte tar sig för pannan med tanke på västs härjningar i hela världen…
Opinionen i Sverige är redan fixad.
Jag blev så förtjust i de klarheter jag fick då vi lyssnade på Robert Breakers genomgång av t.ex Den yttersta tiden så video 2 hänger på det temat.
THREE End-Time Superpowers: King of the North, King of the South, and Masses From the East
Our world has been shaped, in large part, by the superpowers that have dominated global politics since World War I and World War II. Nations such as the United States, Great Britain, and the then Soviet Union have been called “superpowers.” And have shaped cultures and influenced history for decades, far beyond their own borders.
But things change, and the arrangement of powers is in flux like it never has been before. How will the power structures of the world be reconfigured in the years ahead of us? What superpowers will rule the world in the days leading up to the return of Jesus Christ?
Bible prophecy tells us in astonishing detail!
On today’s program, we are going to explain to the configuration of world powers that will be competing before supremacy in the years just before Christ’s return, and we will do so out of the pages of your own Bible, so you can see the answers for yourself! We will also tell you how to get a copy of our new, free DVD titled “The Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation.”
So, join us for the next half-hour on Tomorrow’s World as we answer the question, “Who are the end-time superpowers?” You won’t want to miss it!
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