Det Raquel Spring bland annat säger är att vi lämnar industrisamhället nu, och det lär vi jubla över senare när alla tunga, rökiga jobb övertas av robotar.
Under Rakels förklaring varför det är som det är kommer indiers skriftliga analys och slutligen en film om en stjärna som påverkar oss nu.
3 TIPS to Survive & Thrive in this CANCER LUNAR ECLIPSE
Indier anser; The New Year of 2020 is highly noteworthy for the world that we live in. The year 2020 could just turn out to be the ’benchmark’ year due to activation of aggressive religious sign of Sagittarius that has been occupied by Saturn, Jupiter & Ketu (dragon’s tail) during the last two years. That has resulted into heavy right-wing politics all over, be it the USA, China, Russia, France or India.
2020 & the upcoming decade would see some interesting events:
• | The high stress & bewildering events of 2018-19 will be replaced with stable trends that would require hard work & dedication. |
• | A lot of world attention would be on India due to political changes & a new policy largely driven by the vocal stand that the Indian population would take. Economy & financial markets could take a severe hit during the last quarter of 2020 for India. However, as a positive the coming decade would see the golden period for India, especially during 2023-2027. |
• | US Elections would throw up results very different to the widely expected view. US economy would see recession followed by a revival & boom in the coming decade. |
• | Brexit would bring in early glory to the new government but the UK economy could be badly hit by the end of the year. Recovery would be seen in 2023. |
• | China would see a spurt in growth only to see the good results peter out. China would find its path again in 2023. |
• | Privacy breaches, violation of citizen rights & rise in crime would be felt all over the world after September 2020 and hit a low in 2027. |
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