Det har jag sagt i hela mitt vuxna liv, och vi kan notera att jag arbetade på Långbro mentalsjukhus som ung. Snacka om att jag ser fram emot paradigmskiftet!
The narcissist fails to complete all 8 phases of the lifespan. Erik Erikson proposed that ego identity is gradually achieved by facing goals and challenges during eight stages of development across the lifespan. The stages are (a) infancy: basic trust versus mistrust; (b) toddler: autonomy versus shame and doubt; (c) preschool age: initiative versus guilt; (d) school age: industry versus inferiority; (e) adolescence: identity versus identity confusion; (f) young adulthood: intimacy versus isolation; (g) middle age: generativity versus stagnation; and (h) older adulthood: integrity versus despair. (APA Dictionary)