Kriget ska igång, om inte är 45 års jobb fruktlöst, men det spelar ingen roll om det är Trump eller ”Biden”, mannen med fel örsnibbar, som drar igång det, eller The Proud Boys, eller om främmande makt kliver in.
Rick Ved, som inte har upptäckt att ”Biden” har fel örsnibbar, och jag har inte sagt något:
Trump gets worse, so just watch the. show. I’m just showing you that Jyotish works and that the phase transition must continue..
This is not a political snag; it is the end of our government as the new government dawns. I always said there is no happy fantasyland after Biden. Trump leaves behind thousands of gangs that want to overthrow the government. That has been his plan for a long time. And for those who think he will now disappear and play golf at Mar-a-Lago, awaken now from your sleep.
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