En normalränta är runt 6-12%. De räntor vi haft är inte normala men har fått miljoner, som egentligen inte har råd, att köpa hus eller en andel av en bostadsrättsförening.. Det spricker nu, och när bankerna tar fastigheterna finns inte tillräckligt med hyreslyor, och så skapas hemlösheten som är i princip ”normal” snart i USA, som ligger före oss. I USA slipper du lånen då banken tar huset men i Sverige blir du av med huset men får behålla lån som saknar säkerhet.
Medelklassen ska krossas, ingår i fascismen.
Video 2 är en lösning, många av mina läsare är igång sen länge, och man kan också sluta med rörlig ränta nu, kan väl hjälpa ett tag. Vi vet också att skulder omvandlas sen till fängelsestraff längre fram, det har redan startat i Australien som ligger före USA.
Vi i denna studiegrupp ska fortsätta att ha järnkoll på lösningar, men ”medelklassen” har egentligen aldrig funnits; den är skapad, och plockas nu ner. Väst går mot nationalism, som är en -ism i -ismen, dvs alla ska in i fabriker och tillverka svenska skor, svenska skidor, svenska möbler, och svenska konservburkar samt plocka varje svenskt blåbär som existerar.
We have heard from many sources that inflation is transitory. Inflation by no means is transitory, in fact we will see more and more people get penalized due to living on only salary. If their salary is increasing at 3% or 5% per year and gas is increasing at 50% per year, milk, eggs, steak, etc all increasing over 12% per year, hotels increasing over 25%, vehicles by over 30% and rents are sky high! In places such as Tamp we are seeing rents increase by roughly 40% in the last twelve months!
This can not be fixed by earning more money at your job. This must be fixed internally. House hacking is the answer and what this does is one, it eliminates ones most expensive monthly output which is rent. When you do this, you have more money for saving and for investing. In this example that I provided in Los Angeles its a simple duplex that would allow one to turn a $2,500 mortgage payment to a profit (most likely, I am unsure what the rent was next door as it is rent control) however this does offer an opportunity for an ADU which could drive in more revenue. This would allow one to live here rent free and in fact be paid several thousands of dollars to live in a room share situation in the main two bedroom unit.
If food prices, real estate prices and the cost of living continue to increase, owning real estate with no expenses would be the best place to be. This coupled with having alternatives if you decided to leave your job or start a business is all in the scope of reality for the smart and enterprising entrepreneur.
I also discuss how to pay off credit card debt and what you could do. I am a big believer in not chasing 10-20% returns in the stock market or crypto market if you have a recurring 26% interest paid out to a credit card company on outstanding debt. I suggest paying off the credit cards first and foremost before investing the money. If you can not borrow the money to do so, you should restructure the debt into a lower interest rate card if you can do so and the fees are not too high.
This video is not financial advice and anything that I have said in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Speak to your hired professionals for the best advice given your specific situation as everyones situation and knowledge base is different.
This Is a Housing Crisis
Tack, jag har lagt ut den https://www.lenaholfve.se/lasartips-om-en-film-this-is-a-housing-crisis/