När man hoppar på folk på gatan, som ser svaga ut, video 3, och ger dem en dödsspruta med Fentanyl, det är ISIS favoritknark, se tagg, så talar vi nazism, urtypisk nazism, skulle jag vilja säga. Nazister hatar svaghet.
Det här kommer sen, och sammantaget handlar det nog om frukterna av crazymaking utförd av alt-medias fascistbyggare samt feminismen som vänder energierna. Den maskulina energin beskydd vrids om och blir till attack. Alt 2; ISIS-attacker, och jag tänker på valet av innehåll i dödssprutorna.
Cypern är fullt med folk som flytt sina knarkande barn:
Och sen är vi framme vid mordrajder:
I cannot think of a more descriptive need for situational awareness than the recent report and photographic evidence showing a deranged individual that injected unsuspecting individuals at a large venue with a highly toxic substance causing the victims to fall flat on the ground within seconds only to be revived in some cases with the powerful anti overdose medicine known as Narcan.
This comes on the heels of video evidence showing an increase in predatory victimizing in the last couple of weeks. From attacks on the street against unsuspecting individuals that may look weak or vulnerable to predators specifically calling on security and police individuals only to attack them from the shadows.
The US Military is preparing for the eventuality of a conflict with china as reports increased the likelihood that we will experience and Chinese driven regional or world wide conflict in the next 18 months with data and satellite images showing that china has built and is destroying missile targets shaped like U.S. Aircraft Carriers and Destroyers in a remote desert used by the Chinese military.
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