Om kreditkortet slutar fungera… se video 1.
Vi kommer att lära oss energi brett under nästa paradigm, tror jag.
Now, before, we go further into the implications of The WWW’s Saturn Return, I’d like to touch upon The CERN Connection. I find it extremely interesting that the WWW was born at CERN. Indeed, CERN has been on my radar for many years, particularly since 2008 when its large hadron collider went online. Below, I include a quote from my blog published on February 21, 2019 ‘GLOBAL ENERGY ACCELERATION: 2020 AND THE HADRON COLLIDER’…
“I remember on a Wednesday night (September 10) back in 2008 leading my weekly Energy Booster Group and having us all focus deeply, as this was the day that the large hadron collider LHC (particle accelerator) was to be turned on in Switzerland. I was saying how this was a significant day for the world, as no one quite knew what this experiment would do to us and the acceleration of consciousness. The large hadron collider was built to find the ‘god particle – the higgs boson’ – meaning an elusive particle that gives mass to matter. The LHC smashes particles together at lightning speeds in the hopes of re-creating black holes and even finding parallel universes.” Läs mer
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