My spirit is indomitable,
I shall not fail,
To feed the fires of love on earth,
That wisdom and truth prevail.
So this week/weekend, until the Sun goes into Sag on Tuesday and we have a new Moon on Wednesday, repeat this mantra over and over whenever you feel like you’re losing, losing it, or things are going to hell (the underworld of Scorpio). The more we center ourselves in Spirit as opposed to the ego and things/people of this world, the more able we are to let go, trust, and move on in peace, truth, and harmony.
That doesn’t mean to sit back and be taken advantage of, used, or exploited mind you! You may need to feed those fires with some assertive speech/action and bring some down home wisdom to the table! Sometimes, its not about losing and letting go as much is it is about leaving and saying goodbye. Both are losses, should be felt and grieved and thanked. It is always better to thank someone for the good times rather than blast them for the (perhaps long list of) bad times. Just know to follow your guidance sooner next time so things finish in a timely manner rather than drag on and pull everyone down the rabbit hole.
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