Dessa gossar har samkört med Trump, som är den som går ut och säger att viruset är demokraternas senaste hoax. DT har senare medgett att han visste att det var farligt men han teg för att undvika panik.
Man skulle kunna köpa det om det inte vore så tydligt att det hela är organiserat.
Brian Rose och David Icke tog ner sig själva, se kategorin London Real, och Rose byggde en ”freedom plattform”, och fick in 10 miljoner i donationer, och han ligger på ett vanligt Go Daddykonto som kostar ca 60:- i månaden.
I Sverige ger ett 10-miljonersbedrägeri sex år, skulle jag tippa, så han är en sån där ännu ej häktad. Vållande till annans död, i den omfattning det är frågan om, bör ge maxstraff pga omfånget.
Rose vet att han är farlig, se video 1, och för ett tag sen berättade han att Alex Jones sagt honom att de har lyckats.
De får ut högerfolk på gatorna, de ska försvara sin frihet som hotas av dom, där folk smittas och sprider, och hur kan man vara tvärsäker på det?
Därför att fascismens mål är att avliva sina politiska motståndare. ”Alla” röstar på Putin därför att Stalin tog hand om de som inte hade gjort det.
I detta fall talar vi om att oskadliggöra dem sjukdomsvägen.
Rose kan fascismen… tror jag det… han är en framgångsrik fascistbyggare.
Det står nog klart att det är den här gruppen; Rose, Icke, Coleman och Alex Jones, med flera som har tagit ner sig själva, samman med DT, som är navet och som har skapat teorin om att viruset inte finns.
Vi ska inte glömma att Icke är en fd. partiledare för De Gröna i England, dvs en socialistledare. Men det stora drevet startades absolut av DT som gick ut och sa att viruset var demokraternas senaste hoax. Han får igång 60-70 miljoner människor…
Jag får London Reals Nyhetsbrev och klarare än så här blir det inte:
Dear London Real Army,
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for tuning into our World Premiere of PL@NDEM1C IND0CTORNATION in August.
Before I make the big announcement, I first want to congratulate you for making history! Thanks to you- the citizens of the world- PL@NDEM1C is officially the most viewed documentary of all time.
Part 1 has been seen by over 1 BILLION people! Part 2, PL@NDEM1C: IND0CTORNATION, set a live stream world record with just under 2 MILLION unique viewers tuning into the World Premiere!
As a direct result of the information transmitted through the series, numerous movements have been activated globally. Concerned parents have pulled their children out of toxic education systems to form their own schools. Everyday citizens have stepped up to become health freedom leaders within their communities and beyond. President Trump watched PL@NDEM1C on May 7th and on May 8th announced publicly that he would not enforce mandatory vaccines. These are just a few of the ways you’ve positively impacted the world. None of this would’ve happened if not for your courage to share such a controversial movie series. THANK YOU ALL!
For many people, the sharing of PL@NDEM1C was their first time experiencing censorship. How about you? Did big tech shame and punish you for daring to challenge the chosen narrative? If so, you’re not alone. How do we the people overcome the oppressors of free speech? It was the late great Buckminster Fuller who once said,
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
The time is now for the people to rise up and face the two-headed dragon that is Big Tech/Big Media! This is why I am thrilled to share with you today, that I have joined forces with the brilliant investigative reporter Ben Swann!!
As one of the last standing real journalists, Ben’s work is revered by everyone who is serious about knowing critical facts. Like myself, Ben left a lucrative mainstream career to better serve the people. He too has been dragged and smeared for refusing to dance for the puppet masters of mainstream media.
“Those who control the narrative, rule the world.” Plato
After decades of mergers and acquisitions, over 90% of everything we read, listen to and watch is now owned and controlled by a half dozen corporate empires.
Where do citizens go to find honest and accurate news? Who can we trust to give us the information we require to navigate our increasingly confusing and chaotic world? Who do parents listen to when seeking to make the safest medical decisions for their children? What we need now more than ever is an easily accessed online portal that’s dedicated to combating the deceptive and divisive pollution spewing non-stop from the propaganda factory.
Our solution: ISE.MEDIA
Ben and I are now partners in ISE, a new social platform that was created as a solution to the information war. ISE is being created by and for the people in collaboration with some of the world’s most integral journalists, researchers, doctors, political analysts and top content creators. Unlike Youtube and other video-based platforms, ISE.MEDIA offers quality over quantity.
”Big tech isn’t waging a war of ideas, they are waging a war against ideas.” – Ben Swann
Here are a few current and future highlights:
- ISE will be protected by state of the art censor resistant technology.
- Among hundreds of exclusive channels, ISE will host a 24/7 news broadcast hosted by top journalists who are committed to serving people over profit.
- ISE will curate a collective of the most talented and trusted content creators.
- In an effort to support and expand the craft of citizen journalism, content creators will have the ability to monetize their work.
And that’s just the tip of the ISEberg!
We’re creating this portal from the purest spirit of service and cooperation. Our goal is to amplify the clearest voices of truth and sanity, to reach, empower and reunite the masses.
Let’s make history together!
Ben and I are asking you to join our fight against Big Tech and Big Media. ISE is currently holding an equity crowdfunding event. We aren’t asking you to donate or give a gift- we are asking you to invest. In our crowdfunding campaign when you make a contribution, you will own a piece of our platform.
We have already had over 1400 investors raising over $425,000!
Your investment will go directly to funding development, securing exclusive content, creating a social media platform that is for the people, and sending a powerful message to the Big Tech Giants that we are coming!
Click here to make your investment of $100 or more right now.
We know Big Tech will censor this so after you invest, please email and text your friends asking them to do the same. We need everyone we can to join this fight.
Mikki Willis
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