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Just thought of an idea. If you have trouble understanding his speech, try clicking on the video setting at the right bottom of the screen, and choose the ’speed’ category then try slowing it down by clicking on 75% speed or even slower speed if necessary.
The legendary astrologer Shri P V R Narasimha Rao predicts about the future Donald Trump and does astro analysis of his horsocope in this session with Saptarishis Astrology. For Astrology Courses, Consultations and Books visit www.saptarishisshop.com A biggest astrology books shop with more than 4000 different books on various topics. Collection of rare classics and modern astrology books.
51:11, he will be basically sad, very depressed for the next 15 years from 2020-2035 during his Moon Dasha. A broken sad man.
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