Coronavirus: north confirms fourth new case in three days
TRNC har börjat ta in turister… och det är färjan från Turkiet som tycks vara problemet. Vi påverkas nog inte så länge som de testar alla och kniper de som är positiva och hinkar in dem i karantäner. Istanbul Airport testar alla som bordar. Armén får väl ställa ut sig utmed hela gränsen mot syd eftersom folk försökt ta sig upp till norra sidan från syd, se nedan? Så var det problemet med testerna att de inte visar verkligheten…
A new coronavirus case was confirmed in the north on Friday, the fourth over the past three days, the ‘health minister’ Ali Pilli said.
He added a total of 1,280 tests were processed in the past day, and the latest individual from Kazakhstan was in quarantine as the country is on the north’s Category C list. He had arrived via Turkey.
The announcements about the new coronavirus cases, all imported, follow the decision by the Turkish Cypriot side to allow flights to the north from several countries.
This was the second person from Kazakhstan found to be positive following the announcement on Thursday that a passenger from the same country and another from Turkey tested positive for the virus.
On Wednesday, another person who had arrived in the north by ferry, had also tested positive. The latest four cases bring the total number of cases in the north to 112.
The announcement about Wednesday’s confirmed case was the first after more than two months that the north had not confirmed any new cases.
In the meantime, Yeni Duzen also reported that the result of a rapid test on one of two people arrested crossing illegally from the government-controlled areas to the north, gave a false positive result. The two people have been given PCR tests to confirm whether they are positive to the virus, the news portal reported.
Än så länge är det normalt…
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