Idag på radio: ”Det cirkulerar felaktiga nyheter om Corona på nätet, vi misstänker att det är Ryssland som sprider detta.” – knappast förvånande. Alla är onda utom Sverige
Ovan har vi en svensk journalists världsbild, och nedan en asiats, du väljer planet själv för det är precis vad det är; två helt olika planeter. Det ”normala” i Sverige, och hela väst, är att vi alltid är offer, och alla är just onda, utom vi. Videon nedan visar att vi – media – debatterar oss alltid fram, och i det här fallet handlar debatten om årets vinterinfluensa.
Indien meddelar att det ger sig snart:
4 planet combination on 15th April:
As we are grappling with the effects of the previous multi planet combination (Covid-19 from the 26th December 2019 – 6 planet combination & Solar Eclipse) we have another multi planet combination coming up on the 15th of April 2020. The foremost question in the mind of everyone including astrologers is if this upcoming planetary cluster of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars & Moon in Capricorn would be positive or negative for us. This new cluster is the first major planetary combination after the disastrous last one of end- Dec 2019 and has the potential to break down the jinx that the entire world and the turmoil our lives are facing currently.
How the 4 planet combination will play out – The most powerful planets in the zodiac: Saturn, Jupiter & Mars would combine now. Saturn is karmic, a task master and great teacher. Jupiter is the ultimate benefic and also a giver as well as a teacher, while Mars is fire, aggression & burning. These together should bring about a change in our lives as well as the world order by means of sweeping changes & self improvement. The current outbreak should get short circuited from the 22nd March 2020 when Mars moves into Capricorn along with movement of Jupiter into Capricorn on the 30th March. This should kick start our life again as April begins and with the 4th player Moon joining on the 15th April, the changes would become visible for you the changes would become visible in your stature in your profession, as well as the monetary gains & your finance; the relationships would start getting cordial as you get into a positive mode of thinking, children related matters as well as creativity would see a surge in the last few months.
We would like you to understand the effects & influences of this 4 planet combination along with the exaltation of Sun in an angular position from this conjunction starting 14th April and a benevolent Venus smiling in a trine from 29th March onwards. These transits will retransform your life & luck if handled correctly for the rest of 2020.
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