Det går lysande, och vad jag kan se är det videobloggarna som är de främsta skaparna. Det troliga är att det är bankindustrin som är den främste f-byggherren, möjligen krigsindustrin, och de jublar.
The global economic system is being manipulated by hidden individuals and institutions, leading to a concentration of wealth and power, intentionally induced financial crises, and the dematerialization of securities, and this system must be dismantled non-violently.
It’s important because it answers the question, “How exactly will I end up owning nothing as the WEF has prognosticated?” (Det är utrett falskt.)
If you’d rather not lose all your wealth to a bunch of amoral Wall Street crooks in a legalized transfer of wealth, then this series is for you.
War Matters asks the question: where does democracy end and tyranny begin? People are dying across the Middle East fighting for democracy while in the UK protesters are feeling their democratic rights slip away. The film chronicles 10 years of anti-war protest in Britain through the story of Brian Haw, a veteran peace campaigner who challenged the UK Government’s Middle East policy for over 10 years. The documentary also examines the British arms trade and the repercussions of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars around the world, as democratic rights are being curtailed and the threat of terrorism overshadows our lives.
2 år sen
America has just suffered a disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan. As the world superpower runs away from responsibility and fails yet another mission, America’s enemies are circling. But America’s greatest enemy isn’t one you might expect, like the Taliban, Iran, Russia or China. There is a more terrifying power in the world—and it is prophesied to punish America very soon.
00:00 Who Is America’s Greatest Enemy?
03:47 The Calamity of Afghanistan
05:43 The Heritage of the Holy Roman Empire
07:20 The Crown Jewels and Charlemagne
09:45 Seventh Head of the Holy Roman Empire
12:00 America’s Broken Pride in Their Power
13:59 Daniel 8 Man
15:20 Broken By the Prince of Princes
16:05 The Battle For Control of the European Superstate
19:32 A Fifth World-Ruling Empire