Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the EU and Commissioner for Competition, has spoken out that EU states should now nationalize companies in the fight against China. Accordingly, Vestager has revealed that the justification for now nationalizing industry, which was the goal of the Climate Change contingency, is to prevent domestic companies being bought by the Chinese. This entire coronavirus has been an organized plot to seize control of the economy by the socialists. This is where there has been a direct assault using the media in hopes of defeating Trump, the Netherlands, and Germany.
Marxism was not satisfied with killing 200 million the last time. Here we go again looking to reduce the population by anyone who disagrees with their Climate Change/Communistic agenda. Källa
EU glider över i en renodlad kommunism den dagen privata bostäder t.ex. inte är tillåtna – innan är EU en fascism, men ytterst nära nazismen, och jag tänker på den sinnessjuka idéen att locka upp 800 miljoner afrikaner främst; eu-com-final-report-relocation-of-refugees.
”Walter Hallstein var författare både till Tredje Rikets (nazi-tyskland) visioner för att uppnå herravälde likväl som EU:s visioner, avslöjar undersökningar.”