Vi har studerat Indiens ofarliga kärnkraft, och nu kom en läsare med detta tips… Vi vet nog snart mer om kärnkraften ute i världen än vad de vet inom våra myndigheter som sysslar med frågan… Isoleringen känns total… för det finns inget som tyder på att de vet om att det finns helt ofarlig kärnkraft. Snart utbryter demonstrationer på Mynttorget mot kärnkraft????
While the EU and United States have all but abandoned nuclear energy as a future power source, with almost no new reactors being built and existing ones being decommissioned, Russia has quietly emerged as the world’s leading builder of peaceful civilian nuclear power plants. Now the Russian state nuclear company, Rosatom, has completed the first commercial floating nuclear plant and has successfully towed it to its ultimate location in the Russian Far East where access to power is difficult.
It could transform the energy demands of much of the developing world, in addition to Russia. An added plus is that nuclear plants emit zero carbon emissions so that political opposition based on CO2 does not apply.
The floating power plant, named Akademik Lomonosov, houses two 35-megawatt reactors, based on the design of the nuclear plants aboard the successful fleet of Russian nuclear-powered icebreakers and capable of providing 70 MW electric power to city of 100,000.By comparison a typical on-land nuclear station in the USA or Europe is 1,000 MW in size making them suitable only for densely populated industrialized areas. Läs mer
Ett av mina Twitter-fynd. En avhoppare från Indowars-sekten berättar om hur det är att jobba för den ”store” ledaren. Han verkar rejält alkad den där Jones.