Rick Ved: Someone sent this to me: Charlie Lutes said by 1995 there would be the “walking dead” on earth.
They will have died and their spirit goes to an earth of lesser intelligence that resonates with the consciousness of an Earth 1,000 years ago in the past.
Their body may remain on this earth until they drop it, but their lower level of vibration cannot exist as the earth’s vibration is being sped up!
Sound familiar? It sounds like another way of saying what I have been saying that the ignorant rioters on earth are rakshasas who incarnated to disrupt. Or their soul has left their body and a different soul lives in that body.
Yes, that would include Trump which Rose Rossetree, aura reader, (youtube) said about Trump, that he is only about 2 percent there and many dark entities have taken over his body.
I always said they could not vibrate at the high level of Sattyug and so would disappear from earth. It looks like they are starting to go insane as the purity of Sattyug approaches and ”warms” up the Earth.
This explains all that I said about rising insanity in our present day.
Har galenskapen ökat?
Jag har dömt tusentals men det var sällan man sprang på den här kalibern… knarket har nog gjort dem vanligare nu.
Runt Medelhavet finns hundratusentals förmodligen som har flytt sina knarkande barn och barnbarn. Jag kan väl ha talat med trettio?
Våldtagit sin döda mormor… det har jag aldrig haft nån, det hade jag kommit ihåg. Den här typen av gärningsmän är alltid faderlösa, utan undantag.
Under Veds serie om transformeringen vi är mitt i.
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