En militär som är lojal mot DT:
How easily could a reelected President Trump bend the military to his will? We talk to Tom Nichols, a staff writer at The Atlantic who taught military officers for 25 years, about this dangerous step in establishing a dictatorship. He explains how close Trump came to achieving these goals in his last term and how surprisingly few effective checks are in place. And Nichols talks about his personal nightmare scenario.
Kom ihåg att kaos är alltid temporärt, men tar livet av svaga rätt snabbt, meningen. Undersökningar har visat att unga vill ha diktatur. Det förstår vem som helst att DT måste bli diktator för att kunna slå ner dom. (Som inte existerar.)
Lyssnarröst: What worries me most is how many people need these simple facts explained to them before they will take Trump’s threats seriously.