Within the vast ocean of potential,
All exists from love to hate,
I now choose to focus upon,
That which leads to heaven’s gate.
I forgot to mention the metaphor that came to me for the energy this weekend as Mercury conjuncts the north node. Let’s make ourselves painters! Life is the blank, white canvas. Our feelings are the colors on the palette and our thoughts take those feelings and apply them to our life wherever, as thick or thin, as much or as little, wherever we freely choose.
This painting takes a lifetime to complete! Perhaps the only difference is that we can erase or remove the paint on our painting, but in life, we cannot undo the actions that have resulted from our thoughts, feelings, and will forces. We can paint over them, deepen or lighten them, but they become a permanent part of the akashic record of our soul. As such, they fall into the 12th house of Pisces which is also called the ”house of karma.”
We could also go a step farther and say that all of everyone’s life paintings put together form a collage we could call ”the collective unconscious,” another attribute of the Piscean 12th house. I wonder what that collage looks like now? I wonder what it looked like 2000 years ago or what it will look like 2000 years from now? One thing is for sure, it will look more light, beautiful, balanced, colorful, and harmonious the more we focus our thoughts and feelings on gratitude, joy, forgiveness, compassion, and love. May the painting of your life this week and beyond be amazing!