A wild week unfolds with many active transiting energies taking us forward at an accelerated speed. The biggest influences will be the Aquarius New Moon at 20 deg 41 on Feb 9, which involves the Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus energies that were exact on Feb 8. Mars ingresses in Aquarius on Feb 12 and immediately conjunct Pluto at 0 deg, which is volatile, angry, and extreme primal expressions that can make an incredible impact. It is essential to be highly intentional this week, as it is easy to make drastic changes that either support or hinder your true self. Being aware of all of your energy and how you want to move forward can take you to new places quickly. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.
Freedom is not just doing,
Whatever you want to do,
But letting go of ego control,
So Spirit can have her way with you.
Check out the What Is Love Special for Valentines Day! https://newparadigmastrology.com/
We have an extremely potent (and unpredictable) Aquarius new Moon coming up this Friday. The square to Uranus in Taurus adds a rebel/revolt energy to an already freedom seeking Moon. The Mars/Pluto conjunction brings in the ammunition for a rather explosive week where anything can happen. To me, it signals a week to remain very flexible and practice resilience like I speak about in the report and this week’s mantra.
It may be quite tempting to want to take control and charge ahead full steam, or the opposite, pick up your bags and leave without saying goodbye, but the middle road of tolerance, patience, and compassion will open doors of perception into the deeper meaning and causes behind everything that is happening.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or overextended, this can be a good couple weeks to trim things down, let go of commitments, and humbly ask Spirit guidance as to the best way forward. Many many things are changing very rapidly these days and rather than get anxious, mad, or depressed, this can be a good time to take a step back, free yourself from expectations and demands and really check in through meditation as to what the Great Spirit really wants you to be doing. Chances are the way will appear before you!
I’m sorry to say that Momo has gone to doggy heaven. They are not exactly sure what happened but her time here with us is now over. Blessed be.