As an artist I must first be,
Open to worlds they say cannot be,
Then I must download and seek to create,
What I am given before it’s too late.
Com Home to Your Innermost Self! http://bit.ly/40d7LF9
As usual there is more to say than I have time for in the video. I did not get to MARS in all this! The square to Mars is what makes it all crazy (and more challenging for some) and is the source of fear being brought onto the scene. Now, I have talked about this Mars squaring Neptune, for the third time, and how it requires us to manifest the dreams we’ve had since last May when they came into conjunction and more specifically since he squared him last Halloween (October 31).
When it comes to Mars/Neptune we need to understand the Chinese concept of wu-wei, or non-action. When one is totally at one with Source or the universe, in the flow of the river so to speak, it is not necessary to exert the ego-will force so much as steer, balance, and dance with the flow. When we are in the lower domain of Mars, our ego-will, we can assert ourselves to create dreams that are not ”of Source,” but rather ego, and are thus illusions, distractions, or attachments not serving the soul evolution.
Thus, this can be a time of ”chasing windmills,” confusion at to what we should do, or disillusionment when our best efforts don’t materialize. In these cases it is a lesson in discrimination and discernment where we need to look deeply into where, when, how, and most importantly, WHY we desired people, places, plans, things or dreams that didn’t happen. Hopefully, your dreams come true, and if not, that you don’t give up but learn, grow, and continue to believe in yourself and love.
Denne gosse har sällan eller aldrig fel
Strong Pisces energies show up this week as the Sun, Mercury, and Neptune gather at 25 degrees while making a square to Mars in Gemini at 25 degree on March 16, so it is not the best time to say the most important thing on your mind. Communication energy is stronger when Mercury in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn at 29 degrees before moving into Aries on March 18. Venus enters her home turf of Taurus on March 16 and makes a lovely sextile to Saturn in Pisces that supports long-term growth, development, and stabilizing a dream in some form. The Aries Equinox on March 20 kicks off the astrological new year, followed by an Aries New Moon at 1 degree on March 21. New life directions, choices, and ideas are opening up, so pay attention to where your energy feels a YES to move ahead. More to share in this podcast episode.
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