If I want to be miserable,
I can think about everything that’s wrong,
And if I want to improve my day,
I can dance and sing a song.
Let’s welcome in the Solstice full Moon in Capricorn! Sun joining Venus/Mercury in Cancer says it’s all about what’s going inside that counts. Moon in Capricorn says it’s all about bringing order, structure, and committment to the outside. Do we change the world or change ourselves? Are we here to serve others or grow and evolve within?
The answer is, BOTH! Gotta balance the outside with inside, the profession and the career, helping others with helping ourselves. The trouble is that our cultural conditioning has been and is lopsidedly focused on profession, giving to others, going to work, and doing what we’re told by external authorities that want us to PRODUCE. Time to take a step back and see just how balanced you are and whether you are giving your life away or not.
Are you spending as much time with yourself as you are with everbody else? Are you as committed to yourself as you are to the boss, family, or beloved? Are you as aware of your feelings as you are of your thoughts? If not, then expect some domestic strife to arise and show you where you are over or under doing it. If you’re working too hard to the exclusion of a personal life you’ll have family/domestic/emotional problems. If you’re too into yourself, your feelings, security needs and emotions you’ll have a professional crisis to get your attention. The more balanced with personal and professional the less personal or professional problems we’ll have! Check it out – it’s true!
We move through the Cancer Solstice portal on June 20 as the Sun stands still and is at its furthest point from the equator in the Northern Hemisphere, allowing an intentional pause to arrive, which connects with what we’re truly feeling and needing at this middle point of the year. Cancer season is quickly followed by the first Capricorn Full Moon at 1 degree on June 21 that is also resetting the lunar calendar over the next 4 weeks as we move into a more natural flow going forward. Mercury in Cancer is the most active transiting planet this week, sextiling Mars in Taurus, squaring the Nodes of Fate, and then trining Saturn in Pisces. Give yourself more time and space to privately process what you’re sitting with and contemplating. Memories from the past may be especially insightful. You may require more downtime, and not want to be so accessible for a bit. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.