I’m sorry I can’t stay and play,
As I’m being called back home.
But I will play another day,
When I’m more fully grown.
Join me for a free Eclipse Special Webinar March 24! https://bit.ly/ECLIPSES-2024
Look at how those flowers opened up between the time I did the Pele Report and a couple hours later when I took the thumbnail! They’re going from sleepy Pisces to wide awake Aries right before our eyes! Speaking of things popping up, one thing I forgot to mention is that with Mercury conjunct the north node watch for new information or people in your life to open up new doors for your future destiny!
Probably, the other thing I didn’t discuss in enough detail is that the Sun/Neptune conjunction doesn’t necessarily mean that you experience disillusionment and confusion OR downloads from the spiritual world – you may very well receive BOTH!
Lastly, I’ve been contemplating the concept of ”spiritual bankruptcy,” and what that may look like. As the Sabian symbol spoke of, bankruptcy is the inability of the individual to handle the pressure of the circumstances. This may refer to us not feeling up to, or adequate enough to do what spirit has guided us to. In this case, the old adage of ”If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” comes to mind. Have some compassion for yourself (or anyone else) who has let you down. We’re all human works in progress here and sometimes Neptune and Pisces can set the bar too high. Practice makes perfect, hang in there!
Pisces energy is strong until we approach the Equinox on March 19, meaning it is an important time to reassess and reflect on what you’ve learned over the past 12 months. The Sun conjunct Neptune on March 17 occurs a 27 deg Pisces squaring the Galactic Center, which is dissolving ego, judgments, opinions, and limiting belief systems that you may feel rising up, especially anything that has been inherited through collective consciousness. Mercury in Aries helps you to see through the illusions and distractions to focus on priorities and communications that matter. Then the Sun crosses over the Aries Point on March 19 and a fresh cycle of potentials open up as we move closer to the first eclipse of 2024. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.