This is not the only plane of existence,
As I am more than this.
And just as appearances can be deceiving,
So are the measures of success.
I think it mostly the result of of slick advertising agencies that “big is better” and “more is better” and even more is better than that has become the measuring stick for “success” (which I think has gone through a few redefinitions itself). If you really look at it is is amazing how pliable and changeable “reality” has become and is becoming more and more. They changed the definition of “vaccine” and continue to change definitions of other items/words to roll out a “new reality.”
More, of course, is a Jupiter word as Jupiter has to do with all things expanding. As the principle of expansion, Jupiter is balanced by Saturn, the principle of contraction. Right now we are closing a 29 year cycle of Saturn that began in 1996 when Saturn entered Aries and will complete in 2026 when he enters Aries again. This is a time of letting go of old forms of security and dreaming new dreams.
It’s interesting that Jupiter just began a new 12 year cycle of expansion as Saturn is still closing his. So we have new doors opening even as old doors are closing. Let’s just watch carefully where our FOCUS (keyword for this eclipse) lies and not be overly attached to what’s leaving OR coming! I think it’s better to stay in the now!
Like sitting on the bank of the river of life and watching it come and watching it go, such is life. That’s not to say don’t jump in once in awhile and get wet either, just don’t drown in it LOL!!!
The Aries Solar Eclipse is a hybrid total eclipse with 2 phases as the moon first creates a “ring of fire” with the Sun before fully appearing to cover the Sun with a total eclipse in the second phase. Every total solar eclipse is about endings and closures as the darkness of the new moon offers a powerful reset at 29 degrees Aries in your chart. You may feel a chapter ending or a closing on a particular life theme if you have planets or points around this degree point. The Sun enters Taurus on April 20 and then Mercury stations retrograde on April 21 at 15 degrees Taurus. The energy could feel strong and jolting, and then eases up as the Sun in Taurus interacts favorably with the North Node and Saturn in Pisces at 4 degrees. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.
Skiftets energi, kan man säga, och världen förändras på ett sätt vi knappt kan tro är sant, totala rockader. Vi lämnar 2000 år av lidande, och går mot ljus framtid på sikt.
Molly och Toms analyser kommer senare då de laddat upp dem.