Most often I am guided
By Spirit whispers in my ear,
But with every touch, taste, smell and feel,
I sense and know she is near.
So yup, with this weekend’s solar eclipse we can expect the unexpected in a real big way! Many of these changes will upset our normal rhythms and routines, plans, and dreams in a variety of ways. Eclipses are the universes way of injecting the future into the present, and since Uranus is the planet of the future and it is conjunct this eclipse we may well get a glimpse of what the future is going to be like NOW!
The realm of AI, the WWW, Cryptocurrency, banking, food supplies, supply chains, basically all aspect of the economy including inflation are set to be triggered by this eclipse. Taurus, plain and simple, rules physical survival of our physical bodies on this physical planet, so everything material/physical is up for a cosmic ”upgrade” and that includes us.
Let’s remember that Life, Nature, and Divine Intelligence is on our side! Uranus is constantly reminding us that we need to liberate, revolt or rebel from the status quo, innovate and re-invent ourselves constantly in order to be all that we are capable of being at any given moment. There’s no laying around, waiting, hoping, or wishing with Uranus, we need to INDIVIDUATE, find what is unique and special and different about us that the world needs and go about delivering it…. NOW. May all your ”Ah hah!” moments lead to enlightened actions!