Om det är som det här ser ut så lär många landsmän bli förvirrade därför att vi kan inte energi alls. Energilistan och artiklar om energi är också de som är minst besökta i denna grupp gissningsvis för att det sitter som betong; är bara humbug. Ändå tror vi på jordens dragningskraft, hoppar du ut från balkomen ramlar du rakt ner pga den. Vi tror på ebb och flod…
Someone has just reported that something huge is happening right now above New Zealand. Today, we take a look at what people are seeing above New Zealand right now. In the last few hours, various residents have reported that something strange has been witnessed above New Zealand. People took to social media to post their photographs, and ask if anyone else had seen the strange object. Those who did see it described it as a portal, saying that it stayed in the sky and could be seen giving off incredible colours. One resident said that their iPhone wasn’t able to pick up the details of the objects, but said that it was one of the most incredible things that they had ever witnessed.
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