The Death of Celebrity Culture
In the 2020 energy or Capricornian austerity and seriousness (I called this year the collective Saturn return In 2019) how irrelevant the celebrities, lifestyle influencers, vanity, luxury goods and the vapid indulgence of the jet-setting life style have become! How we used to idolise these things and how they are gone in the blink of an eye! Puff!
The 20 year Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Taurus (2000) which brought raging consumerism and materialism, is coming to a close, actually the 250 years of earth Saturn Jupiter conjunctions is coming to a close…
How values are changing!… “the Kardashians” is cancelled, Paris Hilton started speaking with an adult voice and rebranded her self more serious and humanitarian!
If the celebrity and influencer culture wants to survive, they need to shift their focus and image from material based impressions to the new Air signs Jupiter Saturn epoch which is starting from the end of this year! (Think social activism, human rights, a meaningful message, spreading knowledge and not just demonstrating their material superiority and expensive life style)
The first conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn, will be in Aquarius and from 2021 we will see the birth of a new cast of influencers and role models! We will start to honor intelligence, beautiful minds, independent thinking and contributions to society above anything else in our role models…
Outliers, scientists, leaders of alternative movements and knowledge will become our inspiration…
Amen to that!
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