Mars is about to come into a conjunction with Chiron in Aries. This can bring major uncomfortable moments, which include great fear, anxiety, and anger about what has happened in the past and what will happen in your life in the future. And, especially, about how you go about moving forward with these things. It can also create great doubt that things will ever shift in life in your favor. Know that there is no need to stress, and that there is no need for major drastic action to overcome these uncomfortable feelings (especially if you aren’t divinely inspired to act, like you may have been a week or two ago). God, Spirit, and the Universe is maneuvering things right now on your behalf. One small step on your part done out of love, sensitivity, and vulnerability will be JUST ENOUGH to get your life going in a better place, and to assist the angels in this major transition. More actions than that, and especially actions done out of malice, can block the angels from doing their thing! Let them work, people !
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