Om en våldsam feminin energi, fanatatiism, och en ny eclips 21 juni, och en tillbakablick i video 1 som säger en del.
Kaypacha’s insights into Shaping a New Paradigm 2020
Life is a musical concert,
I’m the DJ in charge of the sound,
Any track from love to hate,
Becomes real when I lay it down.
I was going to use the metaphor of a jukebox where we get to pick from an infinite number of singles what song we want to play/hear, but I realized some may not know what a jukebox is LOL! Yikes! The times they are a changin’. Anyway, Pisces is about dreaming the dream and it won’t be long before Mars marches into Aries and wants to DO IT!
That makes this an important time to tune in to the most beautiful, loving, harmonies of the universe so that we are a walking symphony of love by next month and we’re bringing in the good stuff! I’ll be talking more about this total solar eclipse coming up next week but for now we are closing the lunar cycle that began 3 weeks ago (I bet you remember what happened then!). May you have beautiful dreams full of beautiful tunes until then!
Hur kommer det då att gå med alla feminister? Blir det nu dom flippar ut på allvar? Hoppas jag hinner köpa ett par påsar chips innan så att jag bara kan sitta ner och titta på showen.
Om du lyssnar på den KGB-agent jag har publicerat ett par gånger så elimineras alltid den typen av aktivister och nyttiga idioter.