En läsare ville ha Adapassrapport + varubrist + bilder

I have visited the grocery store, mask on, the stand with liquor bottles to dabble in my hands is gone for a month, no Adapass, and I have visited Apoteket, no Adapassvång and there will be nothing where I live, according to the driver.

On the other hand, there was a petrol crash yesterday, and there are rumors that there is a shortage of goods in import goods, and it is likely to affect the whole world in the future.

I bought ”Cyprus Today”, which comes out on Saturdays, and they told me that the president has got what he wants, 70% are now vaccinated.

The picture in the clip depicts him in January, when he was vaccinated, and he asked for 70%, and the difference is of course that the leaders are loved here, they do not build fascism either, why the rental bikes, see above, lack locks because you do not builds crime either, and it can not be said that their colleagues in Sweden are, for natural reasons:















Om Lena Holfve 18456 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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