Lee Harris är en mild, trevlig energiman, som är inspirerande, och som hörbart sprutar maskulin energi över oss, och han säger att vi kommer att inse makten i att lyssna, också på den egna intuitionen.
Är vi på väg ut ur pratkulturen?
En läsare skrev att hon smetat ner FB med en massa verbala ”utbrott”… och nu har vår studiegrupp lett till att hon är tyst och pluggar. Hon kände sig okunnig, eller hade väl insett hur lite den svenska skolan lär ut i verkligheten, och vill väl täppa till det? Bra det, för kunskap är makt och ger trygghet när man vet hyfsat vad det är man ser.
Lee menar att vi genomgår identitetsskiften just nu. De som håller på med egna energikartor lär få hjälp på traven.
When I was tuning in a couple of days ago about November and beyond, this was one of the messages that I got. The ‘crazy’ in the outside world is getting ‘crazier’ – so if you’re able to constantly reconcile your own feelings and thoughts and separate what’s yours from the crowds – you will be able to stay more balanced, more centered and more able to be part of what is needed during these times. IDENTITY SHIFT. Apparently, a lot of us are going through that Identity Shift right now. It’s going to get stronger and louder than ever in November and continue for a good three to six month period.
Some of you will be entering into this big Identity Shift now and it relates to your personal power (as I mentioned in the October Energy Update). Those of you that own your power or are taking on your power are about to go through an Identity Shift. That might just look like changes but it can also look like huge upgrades.
Last but not least on the POWER OF LISTENING. When we’re able to really listen to others in a deep way, we may notice that someone’s words might be saying one thing but their tone and their energy might be saying something completely different. All of us can reach that place where we are feeling a little off or a little off center. The power of listening to others and the power of listening to ourselves is very important. So, do regular check-ins and deeply listen to your answers. Have a beautiful month everyone! Big love X
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