American Nazis – Germany’s Secret WW2 Plan to Infiltrate America
The headline of the New York Times read ‘Nazi Saboteurs Face Stern Army Justice.’ It was July 4, 1942, and eight Nazi agents had been caught on American soil with plans to sabotage economic targets and demoralize the population.
Two four-man squads had come ashore in Long Island and Florida aboard stealthy submarines. Hitler himself had authorized the plan to mirror a similar feat perpetrated in France during World War I.
But the FBI thwarted the plot as the men were about to blow up a critical railway bridge and found enough explosives to operate for two years.
The other side of the story would come to light decades later, and it would prove that it was not the FBI that gave away the enemy’s intent, but rather an act of treason…
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Damen tog livet av en halv miljon irakiska barn… samman med Anna Lindh.
En hel armé av dem tog sig väl in i våra system runt år 2002, vi fick nära 50% fler statsanställda samtidigt som alla som var beroende av statliga pengar blev 50% fattigare – mitt under en brinnande högkonjunktur!
Obs att Stefan L har tagit av sig rosen, ersatt den med flaggan, han är officiellt nationalsocialist, dvs nazist.