Energiroade; Tom och Molly
If I want to be miserable, I can think about everything that’s wrong, And if I want to improve my day, I can dance and […]
If I want to be miserable, I can think about everything that’s wrong, And if I want to improve my day, I can dance and […]
Kursledaren har många poänger innehåller idag 58 uppdateringar varför filen är för tung. Jag har därför skapat en ny: Framtidslistan
I don’t need to change the world, As much as open my heart. And letting go of my need to be right, Is a very […]
Growing out of childhood innocence, I develop objectivity, And with greater emotional honesty, I experience deeper intimacy. Ok, we’ve got Venus in masculine Gemini and […]
I will explore new possibilities, As the known and familiar fails, Trusting that interest and curiosity, Will put wind back in my sails. In typical […]
I am like a fruit tree, Reaching to the sky, I spread out my branches and give my fruit, To any and all passing by. […]
As I am one with all that is, The planets are not out there, But reflections of my own spirit being, For me to see, […]
My body is the root and trunk, My emotions are the sap, My feelings are the blossoms and fruit, That I promise to not hold […]
Jag köper det, rakt av:
I will follow through, On the intentions I have made. Inch by inch and bit by bit, No matter how hard it gets. There was […]
Everything is relative, To the state of my mind, heart, and soul. My ability to remain in calm acceptance, Is my only means of control. […]
My focus now is on myself, My body, my feelings, and my needs. For the door to my soul is closed and locked, And they […]
Läsaren frågade mig om jag kunde tipsa om nån bra som kan läsa av energin. Jag svarade att det smartaste är att gå gratisvägen först […]
Videon nedan är synnerligen intressant och går ut på att vi alla motas mot uppgifter och situationer som för oss till skälet till varför vi […]
I know deep down that what’s blocking my light, Is my fear of what lies ahead. So I promise to do what needs to be […]
Det lär dugga tätt med internationella rättegångar längre fram när ”alla” ser igenom av typen video 2+3. Det kommer en vändning, det gör det alltid. […]
Tack! Jag har hittat en kanongenomgång angående soleclipsen, som har sin peak 8 april, video 1 rekommenderas! Och som vi hör ska jag byta land […]
I now see just how my wounds, Have been stopping and blocking my light. Whether with myself or someone else, It’s time to make it […]
TRNC:s ledning borde kollapsa… samman med många andra. Sadhguru sa en gång: -De tokiga lär bli tokigare och de lugna lugnare. Vi fick en rapport […]
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