Uppdat, sista delen nr 3, Bibelroade; A World Gone Mad

Greetings from Tomorrow’s World. When I was young, my father liked to listen to a radio personality named Paul Harvey. He had a radio segment called “The Rest of the Story.” Every episode he would bring out some little-known fact about well-known people. It was entertaining, and always interesting, because you learned something new every time.

I guess I liked Paul Harvey because I love history. And what is exciting about history is there’s always more to learn. It’s like having a giant jigsaw puzzle. And each fact we learn is like a puzzle piece that adds new clarity, dimension and color. And slowly, as we fill in the pieces, a panorama of history starts to emerge.

But there is a disturbing trend happening today. It’s called historical revisionism. What do we mean by revision? Well it comes from the word “revise,” which means “to alter something already written or printed, in order to make corrections, improve, or update.”

Now there’s nothing wrong with revising a document based on new information, better sources, and more accurate data. But historical revision is different. It’s a re-interpretation of the facts, often from a contrary point of view.

One of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and members of the Continental Congress was John Witherspoon. The Witherspoon Institute, named after this American patriot, is an organization dedicated to teaching the public about the foundations of our free and democratic societies. Their website explains what historical revisionism is, also referring to it as “fake history.”

“…For decades professors have… taught a good deal of ‘fake history.’ Fake history promotes false narratives, twists the facts, or omits certain key facts altogether…. There are three respects in which the spread of fake history has been particularly dangerous…. First, some historians and political thinkers present extreme leftists as heroes worthy of emulation. Second, these same people too often twist history in order to present victims as oppressors and oppressors as victims. Third, these individuals often conveniently omit key statements by the nation’s founders and other historical figures” (William Jeynes, “‘Fake History’ is More Dangerous Than ‘Fake News’,” ThePublicDiscourse.com, May 15, 2017).

It’s taking the same events but seeing them through a different lens. We can see the effects of fake history when we look at what is happening on college campuses in the western world today.

For example, did you know that in a 2014 survey of more than a million classes in American universities, the third most assigned text was Karl Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto.”

By the way, the only two texts that outranked Karl Marx’s work was a rather bland guide to writing, and Plato’s Republic. With so many young people poring over Karl Marx’s most beloved text, is it any wonder why so many are fascinated with socialism?

In 2016, there was a report published by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. In the report they revealed one third of millennials surveyed believed that former President George W. Bush was responsible for more killings than former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.

Stop and let that fact settle in. If you have read your history, you know that Joseph Stalin was responsible for killing upward of 20 million of his own people. What could possibly beguile young people into believing George W. Bush was more dangerous than Stalin? Clearly, they are lacking any understanding of early 20th century history.

Adolf Hitler was responsible for systematically putting to death 6 million Jews. In 2014 the Anti-Defamation League surveyed 53,000 people around the world to get their views on the Holocaust. Shockingly, only 54% had even heard of the Holocaust. Even more astounding, 32% of those who had heard of it believed it to have been greatly exaggerated, or a myth.

50% of all people have never heard of the Holocaust; 1/3 who have believe it’s exaggerated or a myth (Danielle Wiener-Bronner, “Half of People Surveyed by the ADL Don’t Know What the Holocaust Is,” The Atlantic, TheAtlantic.com, May 13, 2014).

What a failure of modern education. In spite of eye-witness accounts, diaries, preserved records, photographs, testimonies; in spite of survivors who told their harrowing story.

And, of course, more recently, we see rioters tearing down statues of past public figures in the U.S. and other places around the world. Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, commented on this recently. In an NBC website article he condemned the bewildering actions of rioters.


A World of Division: Part 2 of ”A World Gone Mad”

filipinVärlden är väst…en miljard…   Grannfrun har nog rätt i att det är västfolket som har tappat förståndet.

Den övriga världen, snart sju miljarder, har inte ens 1% av de problem som väst har. Allt är energi, så det är en energi- samt en hybridkrigsfråga.

Jag uppdaterar då del 2 kommer.

Part 1: A World of Suppression

Warm greetings from our Tomorrow’s World television studio. In January of 2020, the American economy appeared to prosper. Unemployment rates were the lowest in recent years. (in history). Millions more were employed in newly created jobs. But then the COVID-19 pandemic quickly reversed the boom to a bust. The coronavirus pandemic was followed by massive protests over social injustice. Violence, looting, burning and destruction overcame tranquility and peaceful commerce in cities around the world. It seems that we search IN VAIN for peace, order, justice, and normality. Why cannot we achieve lasting world, national and community peace? As the prophet Isaiah proclaimed, and later quoted by the Apostle Paul, “The way of peace they have not known, and there is no justice in their ways; they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever takes that way shall not know peace.” That’s Isaiah 59, verse 8

When we consider the history of the world, and the incredible modern inventions, technology, and infrastructure in many nations around the globe, can we really say “It is a world gone mad?” Tomorrow’s World has reminded our television viewers and magazine readers that world cosmocide has already reared its apocalyptic head and was averted in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The historic cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States for more than four decades relied on the theory of “MAD,” M-A-D, mutually assured destruction. This theory of deterrence relied on the fear of total nuclear war and total annihilation of all life on earth. Yes, in one sense, we’ve already experienced a world gone mad. But the world today convulses economically, governmentally, and socially. Along with the global pestilence of coronavirus, kokainweather and environmental disasters, these trends seem to portend the end of the world. In fact, in February 2020, United .Nations Secretary-General António Guterres shared a sobering view of our world, stating that “a wind of madness is sweeping the globe” (“‘Wind of Madness’ Is Sweeping Earth, U.N. Secretary-General Says,” NPR.org, February 4, 2020).

There is a cause for every effect! What are the causes of the problems we’re facing today? Could it be that we are causing these dire consequences by calling good evil and evil good as it tells us in Isaiah 5 and verse 20? Tomorrow’s World presenters powerfully answer that question in three insightful feminist epresentations: “A World of Suppression”; “A World of Division”; and “A World of Revision.”

Our presenters compare the reality of a world gone mad with the
powerful record of biblical truth. Listen carefully to their analysis, and check their incisive references in your own Bible. And now, let’s all understand the underlying causes and face the dangers of “A World Gone Mad.”

How to be a feminin guy

Om Lena Holfve 18456 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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