In this Wolff Responds, Prof. Wolff explains that the US economy is showing numerous symptoms of a serious economic decline. There are far too many issues and problems crowding in on each other.
The US has proven unable to manage and solve any of them: COVID-19, devastating fires on the West coast, racial divide that has been a fundamental festering problem in American society, the government falling apart and rising economies like those of China, India and Brazil threatening American jobs. He asks if and how long will the American people tolerate living in a place where there’s a vast sea of poverty punctuated by a few cities of wealth.
Learn more about Prof Wolff’s new book, The System is the Sickness: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself, available now at
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I Agree! America Has Hit the Boiling Point, the Frog In Pan Boiling Point
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