Jag hade missuppfattat situationen men har nu utrett djupare:
Tanzania har sänt in prover till sitt eget labb, från en kanin, en fågel, med flera, och skrivit människonamn, ålder och kön på proverna och fått dem åter att de skulle ha Corona…. se video 1.
Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, som har en YouTube kanal, har sänt ut videon men utan att meddela vad som ligger bakom och att det är statens labb som är involverad.
Videon har fått 312 084 visningar, och kom ut den 7 maj 2020, och jag kan inte kolla vad presidenten säger då jag inte kan språket. Nyheten har spridit sig i världen till t.ex. ABC-nyheter.
The Director of Tanzania’s National Health Laboratory and its quality manager have both been suspended pending investigation.
The suspension of the top officials comes a day after President John Magufuli questioned the credibility of coronavirus testing kits being used by the lab.
In a live broadcast from his hometown of Chato in north-western Tanzania yesterday, Mr Magufuli revealed that he secretly commissioned testing of randomly collected non-human samples, which were assigned names and ages.
He said some samples taken from animals and fruits returned inconclusive results, some testing negative and others showing positive results.
Video 2 påstår att testkiten ska ha kommit från Kina
There has been a top and controversial sacking in Tanzania. Head of the country’s national health laboratory in charge of coronavirus testing was suspended, a day after President John Magufuli questioned the accuracy of the tests. On Sunday President Magufuli, who has consistently downplayed the effect of the virus shocked the world when he said animals, fruits and vehicle oil had been secretly tested at the laboratory.
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