Bedragaren har inte hört av sig vilket var rätt väntat. Det vanliga är att de tjatar ihjäl en…
Publicerat den 2 december 20.25
I am not the right person for you because I am a writer, and write about most things, and you are looking for someone who can be quiet and not say anything to others, I am probably not the right person at all.
Publicerat den 2 december:
Kom ett mejl från en bedragare…
Det vanliga är att om du går med på att hjälpa till blir du sen utpressad ibland i åratal. Om du inte ger dem pengar ska de tala om för SKV t.ex. att du tvättat pengar, osv. Det finns skäl varför jag inte gillar bedragare det minsta. Den vanligaste mördaren t.ex. är den som var lite mindre full än offret, och det som sker var inte planerat… men det här är iskallt och planerat i detalj. De kan dessutom gå rätt hårt åt sina offer, och det är inte märkligt att sådana här ofta mördas.
Hello Lena
Thanks for your response to my proposal as it means a lot to our partnership and long term relationship we would have in investment after words.
Find in attachment PDF Details of my proposal for your considerations. Looking forward to hear from you.
Regards to your family.
Mr Fu Huang Fu
P +81 345402353
F + 81344964386
Bank Of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
On 2019-12-02 14:15, Lena Holfve wrote:
2 dec. 2019 kl. 19:35 skrev Salam AssaffGood Morning, i wish to discuss a business agreement with you. Kindly reply immediately. Via Mr Fu Hzuang CEO
A4-ark som kom sen i retur med ett foto på ett pass
Good day
Thank you so much for your response to my proposal. However, your interest to assist me via replying to my email was rather unspecific as a result of which I am quite skeptical in believing fully that you could be of assistance to me, therefore I would like to be sure of your willingness, trustworthiness and commitment to execute this transaction with me, I cannot afford to compromise these virtues considering the money involved, it is necessary for me to be sure of the person to whom I will be entrusting this transaction with, my trust is not given out lightly. Attached is my complimentary card to know more about me for you to be rest assured of my secured personality on this project along my work ID.
In 2009, Fadel Ahmed (a factory owner) who was my Client, made a fixed deposit of Thirty-one million two hundred thousand United State Dollars only in my branch, a number of notices were sent to him when it was due, but no response came from him till date. We later found out that Fadel Ahmed, along with his family had been killed in Jalawla, Iraq (May their gentile soul rest in peace, Amen). What bothers me most is according to the current laws of my country that at the expiration of 10 (TEN) years nobody comes for the funds, that the funds will be revert to the Japan Government if nobody comes for the funds. Against this scenery, I have all the information needed to claim these funds with your assistance and more also invest it and charity with some certain percentage.
What I expect from you is total trust and commitment, I want this large sum of money transferred with your assistance and you should have nothing to worry about regarding legality and legitimate AT ALL. All that is required from you is your honest co-operation and I guarantee you that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect me and you from any breach of the law either now or in the future. Like I proposed; that since I have exclusive access to his file, you will be made the beneficiary of these funds. You do not have to have known him. I know this might be a little bit heavy for you but please trust me on this. For your help and all your troubles I propose that we split the money together as partners (share in ratio of 50% for me, 50% for you) Please accept my apologies, keep my confidence and disregard this email if you do not appreciate this proposal I have offered you. All confirm-able documents to back up this fund including the change of ownership, shall be made available to you, as we move on. Please do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should act swiftly on this. Please get back to me immediately via this my private email
Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated; And to be sure if you are willing to follow up this business seriously before I can give you more details about this transaction; however I shall be waiting for your response and assurance alongside with your contacts (NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, FAX, OCCUPATION )
Just as they will appear on the necessary documents to be prepared (naming you the sole beneficiary of the funds) to process the claims.
Mr Fu Huang Fu
Kollar man ena namnet så finns det en…
Salam Assaf – Financial Advisor – Waddell & Reed, Inc …
Denne bedragare är känd och omskriven.
Han vet tydligen inte vem han försöker lura!
Nä, han vet inte att jag kanske ger ut ”Lenas bedrägeriskola” en vacker dag, jag har inte bestämt än om jag ska driva med honom eller inte… men jag har nog inte tid för jag redigerar nu så han åker nog in i serverns filter i morgon utan att jag säger ngt.
För omkring en timme sedan ringde en kille som påstod sig vara från Fria Tider, Vilket är en alternativ-media site. Han ville fråga om nåt politiskt, minns inte vad det handlade om. Men när han drog upp Facebook så sade jjag att jag inte har FB. Då lade han tvärt på luren utan att säga något. Han sa aldrig sitt namn heller. Verkar skumt. Om det handlade om FT verkar det inte ha handlat om ekonomiskt bedrägeri. Men det kan ju vara från nån vänster-organisation som försökte åsiktsregistrera mig och då var det tydligen viktigt att ha FB, Bedragare säkert men av en annan sort. Skumt var det i alla fall.Så slänger maninte på luren i örat på folk om man har rent mjöl i påsen.
Vimlar av idioter där uppe…
Jag hade inte ens vågar öppna såna där skumma mejl. Raderar dom direkt. Vill inte råka ut för att darorn låses. Som jag har förstått det så kan man lika gärna slänga datorn när det händer för att det går inte att fixa. Och det är inte säkert att utpressarna skickar nån upplåsningskod även om man betalar.
Jag samlar material till en ev. Lenas bedrägeriskola.