The universe is telling me that it’s time to go,
Exactly where I’m headed to I still don’t know.
But I trust there are no accidents and that I will be led,
So I put my one foot forward and still my spinning head.
Join us in Patagonia! 🌄
Happy Full Moon in Leo! That lion likes action, and there is no shortage of that now. It’s a time to create, recreate, and express your glorious, beautiful Self. And you best get on with it ‘cuz she’s only in Leo for a couple more days before heading into Virgo. However, that doesn’t mean that anything will slow down any time soon. As I mentioned in the report, both Mars squaring the North Node in Aries from Capricorn (both Cardinal, initiative signs) and Uranus turning direct point to the pace of life picking up speed. Most all planets will be in direct motion, as in MOVING FORWARD right into June. This is a time to make decisions, act, and change. The challenge is dealing with the hesitancy symbolized by Chiron conjunct the North Node (for a couple more months) in Aries. This points to our need to overcome doubt, trust our instincts, and heal the wounds of unworthiness or the inner voices of guilt telling us that we simply won’t get what we want. It’s time to reprogram those voices! You can do this!
Dynamic energies are being ushered in from the highly active Sun and cosmos as Aquarius season is moving us into new terrain, which could feel like you’re straddling 2 timelines at once. Pluto in Aquarius is asking you to be mindful – how are you using your power to make changes in your story? Whatever you’ve been moving through over the past week will be coming back around in the second half of 2024. The Leo Full Moon on January 25 illuminates how your power is ready to evolve now with the incoming frequencies, as well as feeling like you’re in a pressure cooker of deep change. The personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) are all in Capricorn, and making beneficial trines to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on Jan 28 and 29, signaling that developments and manifestations are arriving in physical form. Plus they square the Nodes of Fate, which requires ownership and responsibility over relationship patterns and what is not in alignment with your true potential now. More to share in this podcast episode.