Whether things go right or wrong,
It helps if I remember,
That my ego is here to learn and serve,
Its unconscious soul Spirit master.
Last week I discussed Pluto square the nodes which we can say is active for at least July and August. Now, we have Chiron and Venus both stationing retrograde, active into September. These transits combined with Black Moon Lilith (BML) now conjunct Venus as she stations points to this time period as an underworld, death/resurrection opportunity/experience. Both Pluto and BML are underworld characters, Chiron died and resurrected, and in today’s report I speak of Inanna who also descended and rose again from the underworld.
In astrology, the underworld is associated with Pluto, Scorpio, and the 8th house. It is a place where we confront, yield, or conquer ”forces beyond our control.” These are many and varied. And whether we win or lose, the confrontation requires that we go down and dig deep within ourselves (into the root chakra) to summon up the power of the life force in order to survive. We discover new sources of power within ourselves as a result.
The stars are now pointing to this as a period of transition from an old life/identity to a new expression of our more powerful Leonine self. This is not a walk in the park. The confrontation can occur in any one (or more) of the twelve houses of your birth chart. The matters of the other 11 may continue to go along smoothly, but somewhere in your life right now, you are being asked to let go, surrender, submit, expose, and humble yourself in order to be reborn anew. You can do this!
Big energies close out Cancer season as this week is packed with many shifts, including Venus stations retrograde, Chiron stations retrograde, the Nodes of Fate have just entered Aries and Libra, and the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto RX in Capricorn, also creating a Cardinal Grand Cross of creative tensions and new possibilities. Plus Mars in Virgo opposes Saturn RX in Pisces on July 20, bringing something to a standstill for a few days. The Sun moves into Leo on July 22, when Venus stations retrograde at 28 deg Leo and then Chiron stops at 19 deg Aries. Slowing down to be more intentional and conscious with your choices is very important right now. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.
New! The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let’s dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth.