Större förändringar på tio år än vad som skett under 10 000 år utlovas, och jag köper det.
This is a decade, which will see more changes in 10 years, than we’ve seen in 10,000 years. Take a moment to be still. Breathe in the enormity of why you’re here (awake and aware) at this moment in our evolution. You do make such a difference…In 2023, using ’spiritual discernment’ and making WISE CHOICES is proving to be an absolute necessity. We’ve been preparing for this decade – ever since 2010. That’s why you’ve been moving through such intense changes, especially since 2019. Authenticity (over emulation) is the way ahead
This is a decade, which will see more changes in 10 years, than we’ve seen in 10,000 years. Take a moment to be still. Breathe in the enormity of why you’re here (awake and aware) at this moment in our evolution. You do make such a difference…In 2023, using ’spiritual discernment’ and making WISE CHOICES is proving to be an absolute necessity. We’ve been preparing for this decade – ever since 2010. That’s why you’ve been moving through such intense changes, especially since 2019. Authenticity (over emulation) is the way ahead
DT:s jobb var i huvudsak att göra rätt människor helt galna. Det är nog klart…
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