Kriget i Ukraina är långt ifrån vad våra ”etablerade” medier beskriver. Våra ”etablerade” medier beskriver hur de vill att kriget ska vara, inte hur det egentligen är.
Ryssen behöver inte avlossa ett enda skott mot oss för att knäcka Europa, det kommer vi att göra helt själva med all galenskap vi håller på med, sanktionerna mot Ryssland och klimatvansinnet kommer knäcka oss totalt. Många länder i Europa kommer att behöva akut u-hjälp, Sverige kommer att bli ett av dessa länder.
Dessutom är större delen av svenska folket överskuldsatta och en stor del kommer att mista sina bostäder, som om inte detta vore nog har allt färre råd att ens handla mat, svält är vad som kommer att stå på den svenska menyn mycket snart.
Just nu ser det ut som om Kina kommer sätta stopp, vi får se, och sker det lär det bli via IQ och inte bomber.
Timothy Snyders bok, och det är den författare som anser att ww1+2+3 är samma krig. Timothy Snyder är professor och historiker. Vi talar om nazism; bara de starka har rätt att leva,
Americans call the Second World War “The Good War.” But before it even began, America’s wartime ally Josef Stalin had killed millions of his own citizens—and kept killing them during and after the war. Before Hitler was finally defeated, he had murdered six million Jews and nearly as many other Europeans. At war’s end, both the German and the Soviet killing sites fell behind the iron curtain, leaving the history of mass killing in darkness. Bloodlands is a new kind of European history, presenting the mass murders committed by the Nazi and Stalinist regimes as two aspects of a single history, in the time and place where they occurred: between Germany and Russia, when Hitler and Stalin both held power. Assiduously researched, deeply humane, and utterly definitive, Bloodlands will be required reading for anyone seeking to understand the central tragedy of modern history.
From Booklist
If there is an explanation for the political killing perpetrated in eastern Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, historian Snyder roots it in agriculture. Stalin wanted to collectivize farmers; Hitler wanted to eliminate them so Germans could colonize the land. The dictators wielded frightening power to advance such fantasies toward reality, and the despots toted up about 14 million corpses between them, so stupefying a figure that Snyder sets himself three goals here: to break down the number into the various actions of murder that comprise it, from liquidation of the kulaks to the final solution; to restore humanity to the victims via surviving testimony to their fates; and to deny Hitler and Stalin any historical justification for their policies, which at the time had legions of supporters and have some even today. Such scope may render Snyder’s project too imposing to casual readers, but it would engage those exposed to the period’s chronology and major interpretive issues, such as the extent to which the Nazi and Soviet systems may be compared. Solid and judicious scholarship for large WWII collections.
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