Jag är inte det. Samtal mellan tyskar och ryssar bör gå hyfsat.
Till höger har vi en helt ”normal” svensk attityd, du kan höra den på stranden, krogen, på gatan, som ageras ut, och i det här fallet kallas en annan nations ledare för ”inte någon ensam galning”.
Vad kallade man Kinas för? ”Jättebebis.” Du kan höra dem säga om nån kvinna på ett hotell; ”fittkärring”. Folk bara gapar…
Jag tror att samtliga i gruppen kan sätta ihop en skrivning, en om Kina och en om Ryssland, och ge Lindberg och han kommer inte att klara dem därför att han är helt historielös, och då kan man nog inte läsa av världen alls.
En värld som allt oftare säger att den västerländska yttrandefriheten handlar uteslutande om att få vara så otrevlig och elak som möjligt. Vi är kända som ohyfsade och oartiga.
Russia: ’No alternative to stable relations between Moscow and Berlin’ – Baerbock tells Lavrov
SOT, Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany (German): “With my trip, I want to make it clear that the relationship with Russia is very important to the new German government and to me personally. There is no alternative to stable relations between Moscow and Berlin. And I would like to continue working towards this. And I am speaking here on behalf of the federal government.”
SOT, Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany (German): “I am aware of the deep historical dimension to the relationship between our two countries. And therefore it was important to me today during my first visit in Moscow, to leave a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The historical depth, and also the historical pain between our two countries is always a task for current politics and for future generations. And we remain eternally grateful to the people of Russia for the reconciliation after the horrors of the Nazi dictatorship.”
SOT, Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany (German): “It is important to me, as I have also underlined, that in calm and with enough time we speak about the full range of bilateral and international topics. Topics where we can strengthen our relations together. Yesterday I also already had talks about the topic of hydrogen. But also about topics which these days put a strain on our friendship.”
SOT, Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany (German): ”I am looking forward to an open and honest exchange. And thank you once again for the invitation to these talks today.”
SOT, Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany (German): “With my trip, I want to make it clear that the relationship with Russia is very important to the new German government and to me personally. There is no alternative to stable relations between Moscow and Berlin. And I would like to continue working towards this. And I am speaking here on behalf of the federal government.”
SOT, Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany (German): “I am aware of the deep historical dimension to the relationship between our two countries. And therefore it was important to me today during my first visit in Moscow, to leave a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The historical depth, and also the historical pain between our two countries is always a task for current politics and for future generations. And we remain eternally grateful to the people of Russia for the reconciliation after the horrors of the Nazi dictatorship.”
SOT, Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany (German): “It is important to me, as I have also underlined, that in calm and with enough time we speak about the full range of bilateral and international topics. Topics where we can strengthen our relations together. Yesterday I also already had talks about the topic of hydrogen. But also about topics which these days put a strain on our friendship.”
SOT, Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany (German): ”I am looking forward to an open and honest exchange. And thank you once again for the invitation to these talks today.”
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