Det största skälet till att unga gillar socialismen beror på att de är historielösa, och att den låter så bra, så rätt! Som vi vet skapas nu en fascism, för att göra sig av med högerfolk, och efter den kommer man glida över i en mjukare socialism – marxism – om historien upprepar sig, och det gör den.
Som jag ser Marx, som har skapat ideologin, var han anställd av Rothschild för att kontrollera arbetarna, inget annat. Det som känns lite märkligt nu är att vi ska alltså göra om Sovjetunionens misstag…. inte lärt oss nånting?
Å andra sidan svänger alltid pendeln, jag växte upp i en värld där Kina var blodrött och stängt, och USA superkapitalistiskt och öppet, och nu är det tvärtom. USA stänger sina gränser längre fram inför Hellstorm, och när muren är helt klar.
När Mao körde den i Kina nackades 70 miljoner kineser, och jag har lyssnat nu på folk i 60-70-årsålden som är nedbrutna och bara gråter för de mördade sina föräldrar. Barn är inte sällan helt överskattade i det systemet, för föräldrar, deras inflytande måste nämligen brytas.
Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at the universities of Bonn and Berlin. He married German theatre critic and political activist Jenny von Westphalen in 1843. Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile with his wife and children in London for decades, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and publish his writings, researching in the British Museum Reading Room. His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto and the three-volume Das Kapital (1867–1883). Marx’s political and philosophical thought had enormous influence on subsequent intellectual, economic and political history. His name has been used as an adjective, a noun, and a school of social theory.
Marx’s critical theories about society, economics, and politics, collectively understood as Marxism, hold that human societies develop through class conflict. In the capitalist mode of production, this manifests itself in the conflict between the ruling classes (known as the bourgeoisie) that control the means of production and the working classes (known as the proletariat) that enable these means by selling their labour-power in return for wages. Employing a critical approach known as historical materialism, Marx predicted that capitalism produced internal tensions like previous socioeconomic systems and that those would lead to its self-destruction and replacement by a new system known as the socialist mode of production. For Marx, class antagonisms under capitalism—owing in part to its instability and crisis-prone nature—would eventuate the working class’s development of class consciousness, leading to their conquest of political power and eventually the establishment of a classless, communist society constituted by a free association of producers. Marx actively pressed for its implementation, arguing that the working class should carry out organised proletarian revolutionary action to topple capitalism and bring about socio-economic emancipation.
Marx has been described as one of the most influential figures in human history, and his work has been both lauded and criticised. His work in economics laid the basis for some current theories about labour and its relation to capital. Many intellectuals, labour unions, artists, and political parties worldwide have been influenced by Marx’s work, with many modifying or adapting his ideas. Marx is typically cited as one of the principal architects of modern social science.
Politically, Marx’s legacy is more complex. Throughout the 20th century, revolutions in dozens of countries labelled themselves ”Marxist”—most notably the Russian Revolution, which led to the founding of the Soviet Union. Major world leaders including Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Salvador Allende, Josip Broz Tito, Kwame Nkrumah, Jawaharlal Nehru, Nelson Mandela, Xi Jinping, Jean-Claude Juncker and Thomas Sankara have all cited Marx as an influence. Beyond where Marxist revolutions took place, Marx’s ideas have informed political parties worldwide. In countries associated with some Marxist claims, some events have led political opponents to blame Marx for millions of deaths, but the fidelity of these varied revolutionaries, leaders and parties to Marx’s work is highly contested and has been rejected, including by many Marxists. It is now common to distinguish between the legacy and influence of Marx specifically and the legacy and influence of those who have shaped his ideas for political purposes. Andrew Lipow describes Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels as ”the founders of modern revolutionary democratic socialism.”
Marx remains both relevant and controversial. In May 2018, to mark the bicentenary of his birth, a 4.5m statue of him by leading Chinese sculptor Wu Weishan and donated by the Chinese government was unveiled in his birthplace of Trier. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker defended Marx’s memory, saying that today Marx ”stands for things which he is not responsible for and which he didn’t cause because many of the things he wrote down were redrafted into the opposite”. In 2017, a feature film, titled The Young Karl Marx, featuring Marx, his wife Jenny Marx and Engels, among other revolutionaries and intellectuals prior to the Revolutions of 1848.
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