Energi- och genroade uteslutande; Livstid förmodligen

Energiutredning av Kelly

Det räcker med att se Kellys ögon för att hålla sig borta. Nedan videor, och folk som talar ut om att de aldrig sett en värre brottsling.

Mellan video 1 och 2 om Kelly har jag lagt ut en standardskapad energiutredning av min 71-årige barndomsvän som valde att bli knarkhandlare samt en del foton som berättar något få vet.


Det är när pappa dör tidigt det går snett
Farmor träffade vi dagligen, hon bodde i rum 1 som gammal änka på det hotell som drevs av farbrodern.











Farmor var gift med Jacob, godsherre på Marieborg, som är en folkhögskola idag och där föds min barndomsväns pappa och en massa syskon.

När s kommer till makten slås övre medelklassen och delar av överklassen ihjäl på många sätt, och de har inte råd att driva sina jordbruk för arvsskatten införs som ruinerar familj efter familj. När s-pampar själva börjar köpa herrgårdar tas arvskatten bort.

Den gamla övre medeklassens ättlingar har affärer i blodet, men inga verktyg, och det är mycket vanligt att de som handlat med just narkotika kommer ifrån den här bakgrunden. De omhändertas aldrig, en barndomsvän som blev helt föräldralös som 15-åring i den pandemin då, omhändertogs otippat inte. Han blev sen en internationell kokainhandlare.

Problem finns bara i socialgrupp 3-5, enligt sociologin, som är en ren bluff.

Min barndomsväns energier, och jag känner igen det mesta:

Sun in Leo, Moon in Pisces
You were born with the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Pisces. The Moon in Pisces gives you an outwardly passive personality, while the Sun in Leo makes you internally very positive and clear. You were born with all the qualities to be completely successful in life, both materially and psychologically. The Sun in Leo gives an individuality that is proud, dignified, commanding, magnanimous, reliable, fixed in opinion and principles, and with tremendous creative potential. The Moon in Pisces, however, gives a personality which, although very emotional and creative, lacks the strength of character to act on the many procedures that are necessary in order to reach your goals. Externally, you are predominantly a Piscean personality. People view you as essentially intuitive, emotional, and expansive. You are attracted by the intangible, which may bring you in touch with all that is beautiful and mystical. In love you will be intensely emotional and sometimes lost in a nebulous dream. The key to a better integration of your being is to combine all the positive aspects of Pisces, that is, your creativeness, altruism, and emotion, with the practical and courageous influences of Leo, which lend clarity and the ability to analyze situations and to exercise authority.

Farmors pappa, adligt namn

Ascendant in Libra, Venus in the Ninth House
At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Libra was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Venus is located in the ninth house.
This denotes a life in which the native adopts an attitude which is courteous, kind, and affectionate.
People with Libra Ascendant are basically motivated by feeling and emotion rather than intellectuality. Your life will demonstrate your keenness of observation, and a tendency to effect comparisons largely of an aesthetic nature. You will not display too much energy in your actions and, therefore, there is a tendency toward following routine and the lines of the least resistance. You are a sympathetic person who seeks the approval of others and is also very adaptable. Your intuition is remarkable and you derive sensual gratification from engaging in social intercourse, by loving all social aspects of life.
If you do not control this tendency to be so involved in human relationships, you may become too attached and over dependent.
Some restlessness, changeability and lack of persistence is noted in your life. Your main feature is that of constantly favoring the fusing of two things or people together.
Unfortunately, this involvement with harmonizing and adjusting people to one another, tends to make the native a little unrealistic and lacking in action. You will be, however, easy going and congenial, socially oriented and preoccupied with adornments, clothing, social conventions, standards, and aesthetics. In love, if you cause the relationship to be a serious one, you will find that the affair is the consequence of your own interest in flattering yourself rather than to satisfy any profound emotion.
Professionally, you will be inclined to activities which require a high degree of culture and even artistic knowledge.

This position denotes an intellectual person who has achieved a high degree of emotional development. Your mind is very artistic and refined and it craves all forms of intellectual development and growth, in addition to possessing a keen appreciation of everything pertaining to culture. Your disposition is kind and sympathetic; your socially oriented temperament may find expression by exerting effort in the assistance of others.

Mars Conjunct Ascendant
Mars conjunct the Ascendant gives you an inexhaustible supply of energy. You are constantly in motion, but sometimes it is motion without meaning. Lacking self-discipline, you take daring and unnecessary risks when challenged. You want most of all for people to recognize your superiority.
The image you present hides a persistent inferiority complex. You probably win your arguments by making the most noise and wearing out your opponents with unceasing harassment. But you do not need to waste energy this way, because you have enormous creative ability that merely needs to be harnessed to an objective. When you do this, no one can succeed as easily as you can, and with energy to spare.
On the positive side, you are independent and self-confident. You know how to mobilize people and their resources to achieve your objectives.

Moon in the Fifth House
The Moon was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. This indicates that you will participate actively in business speculations with many changes occurring in this respect. You were born with a knack for dealing with people and with the ability to communicate with them, particularly in connection with business enterprises.
Your emotional nature is very much geared to your love of pleasure, and you possess a very curious aptitude which may bring you financial gains as well as pleasures in business.
In spite of the positive qualities you have, the fact of the matter is that in love you are very changeable, unstable, or too preoccupied with trivialities.
Your love feelings are very well developed and lead to strong drives for sensations and passionate tendencies which unfortunately are not directed to one object alone.
It is possible that throughout life you may be connected with small and numerous business investments with a fairly good return.

Venus in the Ninth House
Venus was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. Your mind appears as very adaptable, gentle, peace-loving and tactful. This position indicates that the secret for your ability to reach a state of harmony and emotional balance may come through the use of your higher mental powers. You have been born with an exquisitely refined, artistic mind which has a very subtle appreciation of all that has to do with culture. Your disposition is kind, congenial, gentle and sympathetic and you have a natural ability to assist other individuals.
This position gives you much social intercourse with intellectual persons and success derived therefrom.
Merely minor disabilities will affect you in your intellectual endeavors. The worst that could happen would be an overly inquisitive, indecisive nature that never seems to be satisfied. However, you have within you the ability to avoid these psychological obstacles.

Sun in the Tenth House
The Sun was in the tenth house at the time of birth. The Sun here promises honor, success, and prestige in adult life. Publicly you appear as a vital, proud, powerful person. Your individuality has the need to manifest itself publicly and often to foist its energy on others. You have come to life with a satisfactory physical and moral heredity and you are going to acquire the favorable disposition of many persons of power to assist you in your ascent through life.
Your liabilities include an exaggerated pride, arrogance and a tendency to rely too much on your own resources.

Saturn in the Eleventh House
Saturn was found in the eleventh house at the time of birth. Psychologically, this denotes a rather hidden and limited view of your personal ambitions, your friendships, and of your future. You’re very ambitious, cautious, just, patient, responsible, but perhaps, too serious.
You’re an individual with few friends and even there you may find that some of them will assist you with advice rather than with actual help in times of peril.

Om Lena Holfve 18456 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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