Shaping and molding me,
Adding to and taking away,
Until I’m all I can be.
Pluto (the unconscious Soul), Neptune the collective unconscious, and Uranus the personal unconscious constitute a major reason why I am a tropical astrologer versus vedic. These three factors in the horoscope take the fate versus freewill conversation to a whole new level! Then, once we add that Spirit, our personal Spirit and Great Spirit exist within the personal and collective unconscious, we begin to see the power of astrology and all forms of connecting the ego to the unconscious (yoga, meditation, plane medicine, etc.).
This expansion of the conscious ego into the unconscious realms will affect every aspect of our lives. We will see the synchronicity, the projections, the intentions, and the evolutionary impulses more clearly and be able to choose and act more in alignment. Our relationships will lighten up as they no longer need to ”carry” our projections as each partner owns their ”stuff.” Pain and suffering will lessen as it will take fewer ”reminders” that we are off track with our unconscious soul intentions and the world will be a better place as we open our hearts with love and compassion. Yes!
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